Measures to increase the numr of

For example trade area analysis is effective if you wa. Int to increase the numr of visitors. If we can understand the attributes and havior of people living in the area wher. Ie we have a store we will able to come up with appropriate measures accordingly. ABC analysis and positioning. Kmaps are effective in increasing the purchase rate. ABC analysis is a method of managing the set important indic.

By using the positioning map you can

Objectively grasp your company s position in the market and see what activities you should do in the future. Basket analysis is effective in raising average customer spending. This is a method of analyzing what kind of products are likely to purchas together and bas on the resu Luxembourg Phone Number List lts obtain it is possible to devise store layouts and product arrangement. the appearance of your store can increase foot traffic. For example it is glass enclos so that customers can enter the store with peace of mind and a signboard is install so that it is easy to understand what kind of store it is. It is also effective to place advertisements in newspapers and free papers and to disseminate information through SNS. If you use SNS it would a good idea to actively send out information about the interior and exterior of the store featur products sale information etc. In addition with local SEO you can aim for a higher display on the web page when search by area name genre.

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Also work on ways to increase your touchpoints

By actively increasing contact points with customers it will lead to increas recognition and stronger ability to attract customers. Measures to increase purc Email Data ase rate In order to increase the purchase rate let s review the layout of the store. An important point is to create a layout that is conscious of the flow of customers visiting the store. Also since it may difficult for customers to find the products let s review the display as well.

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