This is an important factor cause even if a large numr of people visit your store sales will not increase if there are few people who purchase your products. The average price per customer is the average amount paid by each customer at checkout. Higher average spend per customer leads to higher sales. New call to action “Kandomono” contact center response quality Achiev by UI renovation LLSYSTEM ’s consulting capabilities dramatically improve CX What should done for store marketing success In order to succe in store marketing you must have a solid understanding of the overall flow.
In addition to focusing on research
It is also important to devise ways to strengthen the ability to attract customers and increase the purchase rate and average customer unit price. Overall flow of store marketing The four main activities of store marketing are research product planning promotion and sales prom Kenya Phone Number List otion. A survey is an activity to grasp the demand such as what kind of . In product planning we think about what kind of product to handle according to the nes that we have seen from the survey. For example in an area where many families live we plan products and services for families. Promotion is an activity to raise awareness of a store product or service. What you can do depends on your budget but representative examples include flyers and postings in newspaper inserts use of SNS and direct mail.
Sales promotion is an activity to increase
The purchase rate by increasing the willingness of customers to purchase. You can think about assembling the store layout considering the flow line and renov Email Data ating the product lineup. Research should the most important Research should especially focus on in store marketing. If you don t do research you won t know what the people living in that area want. Research is essential for strategic store management and doing so will help you avoid risks. Note that the research methods are different for each of the three elements that make up sales.