Important to use emotion analysis data

In other words not only can we use emotion analysis data to make evaluations that only humans can but we also found a tendency that the evaluation results correlate with the operator s stress. Figure Utilization image that leads to operator retention Possibility of Utilization of Emotion Analysis Data in Contact Centers As in these cases by utilizing operator emotion analysis data it is possible to grasp the invisible state of the operator.

This information creates an opportunity

For operators to communicate with them at the right time and contributes to the retention of operators and prevention of turnover . Utilization in sales operations We often hear from customers asking whether the sentiment analysis function can us in sales operations. In this New Zealand WhatsApp Number List regard sales operations often have clear statuses such as orders receiv and lost so it is very convenient to know the trends of each. Analysis of Factors of Won and Lost Orders When we analyz the emotion analysis data of a contact center that conducts outbound sales operations by dividing it into receiv calls and lost calls we found that there were several analysis cases in which the receiv calls tend to have higher emotions relat to the customer s sense of satisfaction Ihave.

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Despite the fact that these operations

Deal with different products we know that the trends relat to orders are the same. This finding was not obtain from the hypothesis that a certain emotion such as discomfort would a factor in order acceptance but was bas on the analysis results of emotion analysis data bas Email Data on a clear classification of order acceptance. This is what I got. In this way it is the interpretation of analysis results rather than hypotheses bas on emotions . In addition by using statistical methods it is possible to create a model that estimates the order probability from sentiment analysis data and score the order probability for each call.

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