However there is also the possibility

Rather than ing point out by the QA staff after moni. Itoring just one call I can feel the ne for improvement by confirming what I am not doing bas on the visualiz data.  pressure that there. I is no escape from ing visualiz with data . is also important . Performance contribution Measures to contribute to business performance which are important KPIs held by call centers are an area that we. I would like to start working on immiately but there are some difficult points.

Hypothesis formulation is consider

To one of the difficult points. If the hypothesis is sign. Iificantly different from the cause of the issue the analysis results and improvement measures wi. Ill miss the point. Therefore the introduction of speech recognition is often limit to quality evaluation. Here we . Iwill introduce a successful case of using voice recognition to improve KPIs n there were complaints or other incidents. By intr Slovenia WhatsApp Number List oducing voice recognition it is possible to check all the operator s call recordings and immiately detect omissions of announcements . to acquire orders and contracts it takes ti relat to businessesize that we are not able to explain according to the talk script and that we are not able to talk back when the customer refuses and verify the data convert from speech recognition to text.

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As a result of the verification

It turn out that there were many cases where the explanation was not done according to the talk script. When I call for a thorough announcement once again I was able to push up the numrs greatly. In addition it came apparent that in many cases the content of the reversal talk was not d Email Data one with the timing and proposals suitable for the customer. Example Customer s issue The next schule does not match weekdays are inconvenient → Return talk Explanation about the next person in charge the next person in charge is a veteran I coach the appropriate cut back talk that was in the middle of the day.

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