The churn rate refers to the percentage of users who have cancel the service and can calculat using the formula churn rate numr of cancel users numr of users fore cancellation x . For example in a subscription service with memrs if memrs cancel in one month the monthly cancellation rate is . The retention rate is an index that indicates the retention rate of existing customers and is calculat by the formula retention rate numr of continuous customers numr of new customers.
For example if the numr of new customers
Of the service increases by and users continue to use the service after one month the retention rate per month is . NPS® NPS® Net Promoter Score is an index for quantifying customer loyalty and is call customer recommendation in Japanese. Customer loyalty is a concept that means the psychological state of customers such as familiarity with Romania Email List the company attachment to the product and trust in the brand. Improving customer loyalty is essential in order to chosen by customers and consumers in the modern market where consumption trends are changing from consumption of goods to consumption of experiences. NPS® asks the user Do you want to recommend the product or service to your close friends Key points for customer success There are a few things to keep in mind when implementing customer success. The following two points are the most important. Data collection Examination of approach.
Data collection An important issu
Ielping clients maximize their success and profits is to formulate strategies bas on objective and clear data analysis eliminating subjective and ambiguous elements such as intuition and experience. Therefore it is necessary to collect various Email Data information such as the customer s business model and profit structure theof the market to enter and the trends of competitors. To that end it is essential to strategically utilize solutions such as CRM Customer Relationship Management which manages customer information in an integrat manner and MA Marketing Automation which streamlines marketing.