which is why it is The data and be able to move from Vanity Metrics to KPIs. the metrics us to evaluate performance and determine progress in achieving objectives. A KPI is optimal if: MEASURABLE : it has value only if quantifiable RELEVANT : if it is link to business objectives USEFUL : it must provide a clear indication for deciding the actions to take FUNCTIONAL : it must be able to calculate quickly in order to make immiate decisions. To establish truly effective KPIs it is therefore necessary to consciously look at the real objectives.
How you plan to achieve them and how
which is why it is You can act to obtain the desir result. Perfect. everything is clear! So are followers email list a KPI or a vanity metric ? If you immiately answer “VANITY METRIC”. be careful. because the real answer is (as always) “IT DEPENDS”. But from what? If our objective is to increase awareness. the incidence of followers is probably helpful to us and provides us with an indirect indicator to measure brand awareness. but if our objective is the acquisition of leads.
It will be strategic to focus on followers?
which is why it is That’s what makes a Vanity Metrics a KPI. the goal! This is why it is important to understand and start introducing Email Data STRATEGIC THINKING. You might be interest in: “Metaverse: opportunities for companies” Number is the study of the past and present. but it is not the study of the future vanity metrics The study of the future is also innovation. creativity. we cannot rely solely on numbers to make decisions. we must start integrating other “non-numerical” indicators dictat by the reference context. KPIs arise within theories for defining objectives.