Something that helps us understand if we are achieving our objective. not the only evaluation method. It is not enough to think about the number. we must introduce a qualitative/ inspirational element . and thus we arrive at OKRs which are bas on the achievement of an objective by defining the “key results” compos of a KPI + the reference target. For example. if the objective is the – classic – one of increasing the visibility of the brand by creating a relationship with users. what we will evaluate will be at least 3 metrics. one quantitative.
One qualitative and. if we have invest in advertising.
Also (and at least ) one of efficiency. such as the cost to achieve that specific action. In country email list our example. the Key Results could be: Quantitative KPI: Reach +30% Qualitative KPI: Engagement rate + 10% Quantitative KPI: Traffic + 20% But if the engagement rate is not as we would like. we ne to look for the reasons in other KPIs and by doing so we introduce a more complex “cause-effect” reasoning so we should ask ourselves: what lies behind the engagement rate? The contents! Well. are these actually persuasive? How many people does that content reach? Are they interesting to my target audience? It is important to think more broadly.
Looking for all the reasons why our Key
Result is not as we would like: this is how strategic thinking happens. adding the whys to the KPIs! If we want to transform a vanity Metrics into KPis we must ask ourselves why . analyze the reference context and add qualitative ones to the quantitative elements. So what? And therefore they can all be either Email Data Vanity or all KPIs depending on how they are us! To be able to focus on relevant data it is important to adopt strategic thinking and build cause-effect reasoning capable of explaining the reasons for the values of the indicators that are chosen as strategic. social mia marketing statistics TweetShare Cinzia Folli Written by Cinzia Folli Since I was little.