Dictionary type mechanism The dictionary

It is also a chatbot with a long history and the initial model was born in . It is also consider to the prototype that influenc the evolution of chatbots and has en us in the mical world. . Log type mechanism The log type is a type of chatbot that utilizes AI. It is the type that tries to derive the st answer from the past exchanges accumulat in the database. cause it uses AI technology the more you operate it the more accurate it comes. By continuing to learn accuracy increases and natural human like communication can realiz.

Therefore it is also recommend

For companies that want to differentiate themselves from competing chatbots. On the other hand in the initial state the accumulat amount of data is insufficient so an appropriate answer cannot given. Therefore it is necessary to input a certain amount of information in Jamaica WhatsApp Number List advance. . a type of chatbot that communicates bas on register templates. A word and answer are register as a set and a templat answer is display when the user enters the target word. For example register the keyword payment method and the answer Payment method is crit card only as a set. This will display the above answer when the user enters a payment method. Basically this type cannot answer anything other than the register content.

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Therefore if you want to respond

To various questions you ne to input a huge amount of data. Considering the trouble of identifying and inputting words to register it may take some time fore ope Email Data ration. In that sense it is suitable for cases where the content of inquiries from users is limit and the patterns are not diverse. . Option type mechanism There are two types of option types the scenario type type describ above and a type that combines the functions of the dictionary type describ in the previous section. Scenario type is a type that guides the user to select the corresponding item from the display options and to the answer.

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