In the future it will necessary to shift from the conventional business model that encourages replacement demand with new products to a circular business model by reforming customer contact points with a view to long term use and continuous revenue such as a subscription model. As customer nes have diversifi due to digitalization after sales support will have a significant impact on the success of a circular business. As the point of contact for after sales support the contact center plays an important role in this recycling orient business.
In order to improve customer
Satisfaction it is important to listen to customer feback at the contact center and provide appropriate after sales support. In order to achieve this it is necessary to make full use of IT technologies such as AI to improve operational efficiency. A highly efficient contact center will Antarctica Email Lists able to provide accurate after sales support and gain the trust of customers. kind of methods did companies use to enhance after sales support and succe in improving customer satisfaction Here we introduce an example of a company using the contact center service LLSYSTEM . Suntory Wellness Limit Suntory Wellness Co. Ltd. Japan s largest mail order company for health foods has introduc a contact center of the follow up model that focuses on after sales support for existing customers in its auty business.
As a result of searching for the ideal
Contact center with LLSYSTEM we have achiev a bright response that emphasizes consideration and resolution. Due to the enhancement of after sales su Email Data pport in the Customer Satisfaction Survey conduct in satisfaction was to points higher than fore. The realization of outbound close to customers has creat such a successful example. Buffalo Co. Ltd. Buffalo Co. Ltd. a manufacturer of personal computer peripherals has introduc a natural language processing AI search engine with a correct answer rate to the inquiry window on its website.