How to View Notes on Android or Non-Apple Devices

GoodNotes is available on beta for Windows and Android! Whether you’re trying to access your notes on Android or Windows, or looking for an easy way to send a document to someone who doesn’t have the app we’re here to tell you it’s possible. Today we’ll share a little secret with you: Even though you might be using a Windows computer or tablet, you can still view all your notes from via your browser. There are two ways you can view your documents on the web: Web Viewer Automatic backup Web Viewer: Create a share link to open your notes on the web Introducing the Web Viewer When you create a share link to share a notebook, you can open the link in a browser too. That means as long as you a document, you can open and view your notes on an Android phone or Windows computer.

There are two ways you can view your documents on the web

Here’s how to enable web link sharing: Open the document that you want to share. Tap the Share icon in the navigation bar > Share Link to Collaborate. Open Share Settings and make sure “Open Document on Web” is on. Send the link to whoever you want to share your notebook with! This also means that you can share any of your notebooks or documents on with friends that aren’t using Apple devices. See it in action: So yes, you and anyone you want to collaborate with Armenia Mobile Number List  will be able to view from Android or Windows using Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox you name it. *The web viewer is available after unlocking the full version of . Now you can head over to your Windows computer or Android phone and always see the latest changes to your notes and documents in the cloud.

Access your notes in Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive by activating auto-backup

So long as you have the cloud storage app on your device, you’ll be able to view your notes on Windows or Android too. If you have auto-backup turned on, will upload all your notes your the cloud storage of choice: Dropbox GoogleDrive OneDrive Box All changes will automatically update in the copies in your cloud storage. Originally, the feature has been implemented to keep your files safe so you never need to worry about losing them. But it also means that Email Data the latest version of your notes will always be available online. How to turn on auto-backup: Tap the icon in the top-right corner of the Library view > Settings > Automatic Backup, and enable Auto Backup. Choose a cloud storage and sign in to it. Change other auto-backup settings if needed, and tap Done.Email DataEmail DataEmail Data.

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