After creating an account. you will receive a confirmation message to the email address you provid to ensure that it is you who is creating the Gravatar ID. Click the Activate Account link in the message to activate your Gravatar account. activate your gravatar account After activation. you go directly to the page for adding a Gravatar image. If necessary by selecting My Gravatars from the website menu. my gravatars The page now only shows the default email address you provid.
The page can also be found later
Add an image either by selecting “Add asia email list one by clicking here” or “Add new image”. A menu opens for you. from which you can choose different ways to import an avatar image. Click Upload new. Upload a new file to set your Gravatar image Select the desir image from your files and click Next the image size to a suitable size. but it is recommend to ruce the file to be transferr to a reasonable size (less than 1MB).
The program will automatically convert
Position the image by moving the frame Email Data shown in the left image by clicking with the mouse. You can also crop the image to a smaller size by clicking and dragging the corner of the frame with the mouse. When you are satisfi with the positioning of the image. click Crop image. Gravatar image cropping and positioning Next. the classification of the Avatar is select. The so-call traditional profile picture can be classifi as suitable for everyone.