When using a community where various emotions come and go it might a good idea to decide the rules in advance. However if you turn the negative opinions inside out they are valuable opinions that can lead to improvements in future products and services. As an installation company it is important to humbly accepting any opinions. How to create a user community So far we have discuss the advantages and disadvantages of user communities.
So how do we actually create a community
I will briefly introduce the general flow. determine the purpose First of all it is important to clarify the purpose and vision of why your company is setting up a user community and to consider the concept. For example I want to ruce the support at the contact center as much as Peru WhatsApp Number List possible or I want to understand the true nes of users and use it to improve products and services . . It is also recommend to hold discussions with relat parties inside and outside the company about what kind of people you want to participate and how you want to grow. Once you have decid on a direction you will mportant to determine the user image in the user community which is relat to the concept mention above.
At first if repeat customers who use
Your company s products and services on a regular basis participate the community will grow faster and come more exciting. Then by interviewing enthusiastic Email Data fans we collect information such as their area of residence age gender lifestyle etc. . Then you may able to see what kind of targets you should target to manage the community. launch a community Once you have decid on your purpose concept and targets it s time to start building your user community. It s also a good way to check out other companies communities.