And fourth we will use advanc technologies such as AI to advance high quality and efficient home operations. Regarding online recruitment it is part of the home contact center solution ll Home and it is possible to maintain quality by securing human resources and employment by making the entire domestic recruitment area center on 39 bases nationwide. This is an important point. summary Since 2020 the introduction of telework has progress rapidly as a countermeasure against the new coronavirus infectious disease.
Telework has come widespread among
Companies and employees and telecommuting in particular is on the rise. In response to this the nes of job seekers are changing and as can seen from the quest Pakistan Phone Number List ionnaire conduct by LLSYSTEM24 Co. Ltd. the introduction of telecommuting at contact centers is an important point in securing employment . I can say In particular we are inundat with applications for completely home bas contact centers and it is necessary to change the system from recruitment to assignment according to full time work. However it takes time and money to realize a home contact center so if you are aiming for early construction you should consider using a specializ vendor who can coordinate the total home contact center.
In considering the introduction of a home
Contact center we were one of the first to introduce an online recruitment system and we also work on a completely home contact center and the home contact center solution provid by LLSYSTEM24 Co. Ltd. There is also the option of realizing a home contact center with ll Home. If yo Email Data u re looking to implement a work from home contact center talk to a professional vendor.tool is a tool e and extract a huge amount of text data. By using text mining tools it comes possible to extract and visualize the useful information that companies seek in various forms.