If customers come attach to your company s products services and the stance of your organization and continue to purchase and use them the profit that each customer brings to your organization will increase. Also if you acquire repeaters and maintain contact with them continuously you can maximize profits at low cost. The situation where you have to secure new customers one after another incurs a large amount of cost but if you can secure a large numr of repeat customers you do not have to worry about that.
Differentiation from other companies
Even if a company has establish an ge in the market that situation will not necessarily last forever. Market competition continues to intensify in all industries and the reality is that you never know when your market share will threaten. Information and commun Guatemala Email List ication technology has also develop and even if you release a highly original competitors will appear to imitate you. In other words it is no longer possible to compete solely on the attractiveness of the product or service itself as in the past. Even if your products and services are the same as those of other companies if you can give them a high degree of satisfaction they will able to differentiate themselves and maintain their superiority in tantees the probability that customers will choose the same products and services as those of other companies will increase.
Three specific measures to increase
Customer satisfaction Specific measures to improve customer satisfaction include clarifying the service concept introducing a customer management system and establishing a contact center. These are just some of the possible methods and in fact there are various other me Email Data thods. Clarification of service concept In order to improve customer satisfaction it is necessary to clarify the direction and concept of the service to provid. By thinking about “what how and to whom” you will able to provide the services your company’s target audience desires leading to an increase in satisfaction.