Maximizing sales opportunities and growing

Maximizing sales opportunities and growing in the competitive world of online commerce. These are the levers of amazon consultancy that can make the difference in the success of your business.
Importance of feback
Amazon is a sales channel that offers infinite possibilities. But it is also a competitive market. Every day. Thousands of sellers must stand out and attract new customers as the marketplace strives to ensure maximum customer satisfaction and maximize sales.

Two objectives that it also achieves through

Two objectives that it also achieves through the seller’s feback mechanism. The evaluation of the special data management of the sale that the customer carries out after the purchase. This is an important testimony that influences the reputation of those who sell on amazon and their cribility among other consumers. A satisfying shopping experience inspires trust in other shoppers and generates new sales. The importance that the marketplace assigns to this metric is evident: the percentage of positive reviews that the customer scores is prominently display in the serp and in the ads. As well as being one of the product search filters. Finally. It also affects the performance of the account: poor feback management could lead to a suspension of the account and selling privileges.

Selling on amazon involves dealing

Selling on amazon involves dealing with two types of reviews. Amazon seller feback and product reviews. Apparently similar but with different purposes. Both are bas on a rating from 1 to 5 stars.
Product review
You can leave it on the product detail page or in the returns and orders section and it concerns exclusively the evaluation that the customer gives of the Email Data characteristics and performance of the purchas product. Only the review of those who purchas on the marketplace at a price offer to most users is mark with the “Verifi purchase” badge. To calculate the stars.

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