In today s world changes in the market are accelerating along with the accelerating progress of information and communication technology and the realization of DX that is transformation through the use of digital technology has come an important issue in various fields. Above all the retail industry is requir to build a management system that is in line with the new era. In this article we will consider the current situation and issues of the retail industry and explain the necessity of DX and promotion examples.
The retail industry can grow with DX
Current issues and DX success stories table of contents Current state of the retail industry Challenges facing the retail industry DX is necessary to solve problems in the retail industry Examples of successful retail companies with DX The keyword for Papua New Guinea Email List successful retail DX is OMO summary Current state of the retail industry Since the IT revolution that took place from the late th century to the early st century the Internet usage rate has increas explosively and sales opportunities at physical stores are decreasing due to the spread of EC sites and sales expansion. In addition due to the spread of the new coronavirus which was certifi as a pandemic in March the scale of the EC site market has expand further and many retailers are facing a difficult situation.
In order to overcome this situation
Management reforms through the strategic use of digital technology are essential and companies that operate retail businesses are requir to build sales systems that are in line with the new normal era. Introducing CRM Solutions AI voice recognition Email Data solution for contact centers AmiVoice Communication Suite due to the rise of e commerce sites is not the only important management issue facing the retail industry. Factors such as international social conditions domestic social backgrounds and promotion of digital utilization overlap and various issues and problems are intricately intertwin.