As a result we have succe in creating a new custom. Ker experience that our competitors do not have by implementing online reservation services an. Id electronic inventory at stores. Reference source Announcement of DX Declaration for Reali. Ization of Purpose|Bic Camera Example of a company that handles interior goods At Nitori Holdin. Ighich owns Nitod Shimachu promoting DX has come an important issue as an IT strategy that supports group management.
Therefore the company will promote
Reforms with its affiliat logistics compan. Iies optimizing delivery routes using AI technology in house system development and digitizing logistics information using blockchain. We have succe in establishing a new business model call Ma. Inufacturing Logistics IT Retail Business by comprehensively managing a series of processes from manufacturing to distribution and sales on a group wide basis. Reference source Business model introd Philippines Email List ction Nitori HoldingThe keyword for successful retail DX is OMO One of the common points in the above success stories is the fusion of offline and online. This marketing experience by eliminating the boundaries tween physical stores and online channels is call OMO Online Merges with Offline . OMO s essential role is to provide an excellent customer experience ints. Today with the explosive spread of the Internet and smartphones information literacy among consumers is increasing and the purchasing havior of searching for information using the Internet is add.
Therefore it is coming difficult to capture
The hearts of consumers with appeals bas on functional value such as performance and price. Under such circumstances in order to differentiate from competitors it is necessary to provide emotional value of providing excellent customer experience. In order for Email Data retailers to build a business model that fits the new era it is necessary to promote a multifacet OMO strategy that fuses offline and online. summary Since the IT revolution the explosive spread of e commerce sites and market expansion have l to a decline in sales opportunities for consumers at physical stores.