What are editorial lines within a digital marketing strategy

View Larger Image The editorial lines work as guides for the production of content. Basically, they are stipulated at the beginning of the project according to the guiding objectives of the strategy. This means, for example, that editorial lines will be large umbrella content that will house content related to a larger subject. What is the role of editorial lines? When we develop a , we need to think about contents that are consistent with each other according to the project’s main objective. However, doing this without having the editorial lines can be dangerous and make the content end up becoming disjointed when seen from a macro view. In this way, using editorial lines facilitates and improves the focus of this production. How to create editorial lines? Their development begins with the definition of project objectives. So, if you have a project where the biggest.

Focus is account growth

The lines should follow a top-of-the-funnel logic. That is, subjects that are more interesting to a wider range of people. In addition, each editorial line can address a variety of subjects. For this, when starting the content strategy, have defined the objectives Ukraine Phone Number List TARGET AUDIENCE , public interests and greater value that you want to deliver with your content. Also, a good market study is essential when developing lines of content. In that sense, analyze your competition and see what they talk about most and what they almost don’t comment on. This is often a good opportunity for you to grow talking about a subject that is little discussed on the networks and that generates interest in the public.  Using editorial lines in content integration You probably already know that anchoring your entire strategy.

Just One Channel  is a very unprofitable idea

Thus, you can stipulate editorial lines that will work on all channels such as Instagram, Youtube and BLOG . This makes it easier to integrate content and guide followers through your various channels. For example, if you have an editorial line on oral health, you can talk about a subject more superficially on Instagram and write a more dense article on Email Data the subject on your blog. And having the editorial lines as guides, when planning the content it is possible to already make this integration. Developing the editorial lines is one of the last steps in a strategy creation process. And this is one of the most delicate parts of your content strategy, which needs to be analyzed in all its minutiae. And if you want to learn more about strategic content production and how we can help you gain relevance.

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