It is completely different from natural sentence QA se. Iarch tool by keyword pop up and manual specification of Q sentence. We provide voice text conversion by AmiVoic. Ie to the voice platform of llCloud link the data in real time use VextMiner and introduce VextRecommend . The knowl. Ige recommendation tool is not a magic tool but if you analyze queries identify priorities link QA and target effective operato. Irs it will a very effective tool to solve the problems of the center.
At the moment there is no AI that can
Understand the meaning of words us by humans yond this techno. Ilogy but there are several possible forms of development. Work support from call reason analysis to FAQ linka. Ige Currently conversations are analyz to identify topics and consultants scrutinize the content to determ Austria Phone Number List ine priorities extract Q sentences link with FAQs and so on. By to ha. Indle most of the work the productivity of implementation and continuous improvement can dramatically improv. By u. Ising knowlge generation options VextMiner automates many of these tasks that could only done manually in the past. contextual recommendations The display of FAQs corresponding to one content can improv to a considerable degree of accuracy by following this approach. By applying this technology it is possible to pattern the order of topics.
Then in addition to linking QA to individual
Topics it comes possible to automatically display recommend scripts according to conversation patterns to guide operators. VextRecommend is equipp with a talk flow recom Email Data mendation function and our company has gun to apply it to work where we can strongly identify standard patterns. With this extension it is expect that the template will provide explicit knowlge for various support according to the scenario such as dealing with serious complaints improving conversion of cross selling campaign announcements and preventing cancellations.