The Job Search Channels Are Varied. But Generally Two Categories. Can Be Distinguished: the Informal Channel. The One That Involves, for Example.
However, Relatives and Friends With Their Acquaintances, and the Formal Channel , The One That Involves Participation in Public. Competitions or the Response to Announcements. However, And Job Offers Conveyed by Employment Agencies, Etc. Over the years, the relationship between these two channels has changed, also due to the increasingly pervasive importance of digital technologies.
Analysis of Public Policies has carried out an in-depth
The phenomenon is structural and has increased Phone Number List between before and after 2011. In detail the channel that in this period of time has grown the most is self-candidacy, which has risen from 13% to 18%, probably also in relation to the growing role of social media. However, In this picture, hirings that take place on a friendly or family basis reach 23% of the total (almost 1 in 4), while they amount to around 9% when the contact that allows access to work takes place in the workplace, through colleagues or similar.
Participation in public tenders, how it changes
If the informal friendship and family channel grows, among the formal channels the one that contemplates participation in public competitions decreases: if before 2011 this channel allowed to find work in about 17% of cases, now the percentage drops to 10%. However, Conversely, the weight of employment agencies and the so-called job centers of educational and training institutions is increasing. Both phenomena, the Report claims, are “the effect of the reduction of the perimeter of the public sector and the blockage of turnover in the PA.
The Role of the Internet in Job Hunting the Internet is Still Considered a Residual Channel
In fact, only 2% of those interviewed by INAPP for the Email Data Report declared that they had found a job through social media or IT applications. However, the use of the Internet tool to search for employment has grown markedly in all education groups, with a more marked trend recorded among those with a diploma and, above all, a degree or postgraduate degree. The latter, in fact, if in 2000 only 40% of the cases used the Internet to search for work, today they do it in almost 90% of the cases.