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You can even die if you are not provided with any treatment within minutes. The sooner your heart’s normal rhythm gets restored, the greater the chance that you will not be having permanent damage to your brain and other organs. If you are having ventricular fibrillation or Phone Number List ventricular tachycardia, then a nearby AED is helpful. A bystander in a public place or any family member can use it to jolt your heart and bring it back to a normal rhythm and hopefully save your life.

Giving Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

After cardiac arrest can keep blood flowing through your heartĀ top people data and brain for a long time. But in most cases, the only defibrillation can restore the heart’s normal rhythm. How to Use an AED If you see that someone is lying fainted and suspect that they may need an AED, here is how you can use the AED to save someone’s life: Check if the person is breathing and has a pulse. In case you cannot feel a pulse, and the person is not breathing, call for emergency help immediately.

One Should Call an Emergency Number

If more than one person is present, while the other prepares the AED. If you are alone, call emergency servicesĀ Email Data first to ensure that the help is on the way. The automated external defibrillator can give you step-by-step voice instructions. It guides how to check for breathing, pulse count. Additionally, it also instructs on how you should position electrode pads on the person’s chest. When you place the pads on the instructed place, the AED automatically measures the person’s heart rhythm.

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