what’s next what was fascinating is that

Sound advice which we can all use in our work and h. Ime lives Changing realities with Evan Spiegel founder and CEO of Snapchat Wendy’s role of hosting superstars wasn’t over yet as she return to the Dentsu ach House to welcome Evan Spiegel the CEO and founder of one of the wor. Ild’s biggest social platforms Snapchat. In front of an audience of agencies technology partners clients journ. Ialists and Dentsu colleagues Wendy and Evan discuss how AR is changing the world we live in.

From the get go we were left with

No doubt about where Snapchat is putting its ts for “what’s next”. “We lieve that people quite like living in the real world ” Evan comment in response to a question from Wendy abou. It the metaverse hype. “AR delivers on the promise of overlaying the real world with the power and  the internet.” Whi. Ile Snapchat sees AR as million people per day who are using AR on the platform ri Denmark Phone Numr List ght now an. Id this early adoption will only increase the familiarity and usability of the.

Technology. The company is

Seeing real momentum from businesses in sectors like fashion and retail for AR adoption. The technology allows those brands.  to create engaging experiencespeople “try on” hundrs of styles from their own home and then simply tap to buy. The outcome is that purchase conversions are going up and product returns are going down. In turn this makes for a more sustainable way for brands to do business.

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