However instead of thinking about each process in isolation let s conscious and assume that everything is connect and forms a single flow. Touchpoint settings After sorting out the customer s havior and emotions set touchpoints. A touchpoint is a point of contact tween a customer and a product or service. This applies to mia and services that customers interact with such as stores company websites various advertisements SNS and external sites. The contact center where inquiries from customers gather is also one of the touch points.
Discover mapping nes After sorting
Out elements such as haviors emotions and touchpoints map them. Complete the customer journey map by filling in each element in the outline you creat. Once you ve fill in the elements check to see if there are any unmet nes. Think about how you can meet the nes consider possi Indonesia Email List ble issues and countermeasures and then move on to planning measures. journey map it is important to empathize with your customers and dig deep into their personas. Bas on the persona grasp the decision making points such as what criteria customers use when choosing products and services and what parts they hesiever trying to build a complex customer journey map from scratch can frustrating. As mention earlier let s start with something simple assuming that it will improv repeatly.
By actually starting measures
Adding new discoveries and missing information you can create a more accurate map. summary Today the market has matur and customers are coming more dema Email Data nding when choosing products and services. In business it is important not only to provide good products but also to respond to internal nes that customers themselves are not aware of. By analyzing customer havior and psychology with a customer journey map and designing UX according to them you can improve the efficiency of your business system and improve customer satisfaction.