Their products services and business the nes

If you are considering introducing CRM measu. Ires please feel free to contact LLSYSTEM .In today s rapidly changing times the value of data science is skyrocke. Iting along with the diversification of customer nes. In this article we will explain data utilization while unraveling DX in or. Ider to foster a data culture and survive in a data economy society.

Data utilization starting from scratch table

Of contents Let s smash DX What data is analyz Points of data util. Iization Advantages disadvantages of data utilization summary Let s smash DX First of all let s check what DX Di. Igital Transformation is. In the DX Promotion Guidelines announc by the Minis. Itry of Economy Trade and Indu. Istry DX digital transformation is defin as follows. Companies respond to drastic changes in Cameroon Phone Number List the business environment utilize data and digital technology and transform of customers and society. To transform our culture and climate and establish a competitive advantage.” In other words promoting DX means trying to advance the use of data and digital technology . By the way when it comes to the use of data I think many people have a loose understanding of it. A simple explanation of data utilization in the business field is analyzing data and making use of it for business activities.

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It seems that there are many failure cases

Where the results of data analysis cannot us effectively in business activities and end up with just data collection and just data analysis. I would like to come. On the other hand digital technologies include typical examples. The definition of the difference tween IT and dig Email Data ital is ambiguous and they both refer to almost the same object so there is no problem simply recognizing advanc IT technology as digital technology. I think that they are simply trying to enclose advanc technology with words that include the D digital of DX.

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